NeuroKnowHow is an independent Education and Employment consultancy with a team of qualified consultants, tutors and associates providing Specialist Support, Study Skills, Assistive Technology tutoring and coaching to neurodivergent individuals.
NeuroKnowHow Director, Joseph Aquilina, describes his way of thinking and learning as Neurodivergent. He is passionate about the NeuroKnowHow focus of empowering adults with neurological differences to transform the challenges they encounter with learning and life to something positive for themselves and others.
NeuroKnowHow’s vision is a world where all people, whatever their way of thinking, accept each other and value their different abilities. NeuroKnowHow is absolutely committed to enabling neurodiverse people to fulfill their potential and find their place in society. We are equally determined to be advocates for wider society, especially in education & the work place, to welcome those who don’t fit the established ways of learning and doing. Their differences may make a massive difference to what can be achieved in this society.
Our services include:
- Specialist 1-1 Study Skills Support (SpLD & AS) to individual students & employees through the DSA (Disabled Students Allowance) and Access to Work or privately
- Assistive Technology tutoring for students through the DSA and privately
- GCSE/A-level exam Study Skills support
- ADD/ADHD coaching
- Visual Reading course
- DSA Specialist Mentoring (Mental Health & Autism). Please note this is not therapeutic counselling.
- Continued Professional Development workshops
- Advice and support to employers, partners, family members & carers
- Dyslexia Screening (online)
- Dyspraxia Screening (online)
- AD(H)D Screening (online)
Know about our services